Please Join ASCA and/or USASA - monthly magazines, merits, finals, advice, education & opportunity to give back to this great breed
Steve Shope: Current Stockdog Judge/Clinician (Stockdog Finals HC Champ Edi, Chip, & Rhett - handled by Steve)
Anne Shope: Current Senior Breeder Judge Conformation, Obedience Judge (N-U), Clinician, (Retired Senior Rally Judge)
Stephanie Shope/StarN (email linked), plus on Facebook
Stephanie: RETIRED from judging due to ongoing health issues (Senior Breeder Judge Conformation)
Steve, Anne & Stephanie were awarded and honored with the ERNIE HARTNAGLE MEMORIAL AWARD IN 2022
OUR FURBUDS HERE AT HOME NOW plus links to our foundation dogs who've gone to the Rainbow Bridge
A few pictures follow, including one taken at our ranch
HOF SDCH RHETT - HC 2022 Finals (cattle/sheep/ducks); Sheep Champion 2022 Finals (thank you Amber Jade photography) - 3rd in sheep '23 Finals; 3rd in Nat'ls sheep trial
asca PCH, RTCHII, asca RTX, asca ODX, asca/akc CDX, asca VER 1 leg Utility, asca STDc ATDsd-'23 ODX OBEDIENCE CHAMPION FINALS/3rd CDX FINALS

(above) HOF PCH RTCH II GARTH, neutered, retired therapy dog - producer of multiple WTCHs, 1 SDCH, 1 SPCH
We are producers of Australian Shepherds titled in working, herding, tracking, obedience, rally, flyball, agility, dock diving, barn hunt, conformation and many competitive and/or winning at the Finals level and listed in the Merits with ASCA or AKC. Our progeny have served and continue to serve as companions ranch hands, farm buds, working in therapy settings and/or service certified and/or search & rescue certified. We consider those who own our lines family. Join us at Facebook - just put in Legends & StarN dog/puppy owners & stud users in the Facebook search.
If you are looking specifically for our lines, we are happy to refer you if we know of a litter planned or on the ground carrying these lines. On our links page, you'll find a link to a listing of other breeders - so happy researching to you hunting for your next furbud. We are no longer breeding dogs.
The Australian Shepherd Annual has a 40 page interview including pictures of our Legends kennel.
We sold our ranch late 2016. We miss the ranch very much. Thank you to all of you who visited us there, sent in dogs for training and handling, who attended clinics or doggy camps, and to all who made the stockdog, obedience, & rally trials plus conformation shows held at our ranch such fun. Steve & I are both retired but still very actively training and showing our dogs.
Below is a picture that was on the news during one of our beautiful NM snow storms at our ranch; it is one of our favorites so we've kept it up on this index page to our site. We are now located in the beautiful south valley of Albuquerque where we continue to train, trial and work our dogs on stock and train for and compete in obedience, rally and conformation.