akc CDX, RN (2 legs RA) - merits USASA
asca PCH RTCHII STDc ATDsd plus asca/akc CDX, asca ODX '23 Finals CH, asca VER, 1 leg Utility, asca *RTX- merits ASCA

(*means she has her RNX RAX REX RMX REMX with all 195 scores or above)
Sire: RHETT - HOF SDCH WTCH-X Lucky Rose No Lookin Back RTDsc AFTDsc PATDsc ATDXcsd, Finals High Combined, Finals Sheep Champion, Finals Reserve Cattle Champion
Dam: DENIM - HOF SDCH WTCH-X Legends Indigo Girl of Oxbow RTDsc AFTDsc PATDsc ATDXcsd, 2017 top 5 cattle; top 10 ducks 2017 finals; high score 2017 ASCA Nationals/1st in cattle; 4th in Finals Cattle 2018 (see botton of page for a picture of Denim )

'23 ODX Finals Champion, #3 CDX Finals - ASCA Nationals, Bryan, Texas
Bree's Honors:
2021: 3 HITs AKC obedience companion dog(3 HITs)/3 perfect scores Rally Novice in AKC
2021: 3 HIT ASCA obedience companion dog/1 HIT ASCA companion dog excellent/Merits ASCA
2021: Four FEO runs at HPASC - all qualifiers on sheep. (She'll trial ASCA in 2023/Fall on all stock)
2021: Finshed #5 USASA 2021 Novice Obedience merits/Qualified for the AKC Rally Championship 2021 in Novice
2022: Top 10 USASA 2022 Companion Dog Excellent (CDX)
2022: 2nd place ASCA Nationals in CDX-A - plus 3rd and 4th in the pretrials for obedience at the Nationals
'22-'23 ASCA yr: merited #2 ODX, #2 RM, #13 cdx with 196+ avg, Qualified for the CDX, ODX and RALLY Finals
'23 STDdsc - only started dog to pass on cattle over her Labor Day debut/11 1st places! Courses d, f, h on cattle/sheep; b on ducks - she should hit the stockdog merits
'23 ODX Finals Champion, #3 CDX Finals - ASCA Nationals, Bryan, Texas
2024 finals: Qualified for the 2024 Nationals in Rally (earning 2000 pts out of 2000 possible - tieing for 1st place!) - 2nd year qualifying/not going this year
2024 finals: CDX and ODX finals invites (top 10 in both)- 2nd year qualifying in all/not going this year/I'm judging Nat'ls obedience
2024 MERITS: Top 10 merits in Advanced Ducks/Top 20 in Advanced Sheep (not campaigned at all in stock), #1 Rally Excellent/Masters; #2 ODX obedience
Co-owned by Steve Shope (Legends), Anne Shope (Legends), and Judie Manuel (Amistad)
Eye Cerfed normal/normal (MDR1 and HSF4 cleared by parentage), full dentition, scissors bite
Spayed 12/2020 - Only because the Shopes desire to have no more litters - Bree trained in stock, rally, & obedience
dob: 8/23/19
(scroll down to see what her siblings are doing - Her sibings have won three stock trial buckles: WTCH Bear (nonwtch buckle), multi-merited Lena (mps buckle PLUS 3 MVA AWARDS THUS FAR), & Raven (mps buckle STDds); Wren debued end of August and picked up started ducks/sheep and will debut on cattle end of 2023 or in 2024. Bree is training in utility and will trial to her OTCH/UDX in obedience (she quaified for rally/odx/cdx - all three two years in a row for the ASCA finals. I let Steve retire so no cattle trialng for Bree.
Peggy Timm owns sister LENA - PCH OTCH RTCH Legends Lean On Me@Pawzone Amistad
(MVA 3 time qualifier AND placer - ASCA and USASA Nationals!)
AKC: NA NF RE HSAds (accruing champion points in herding now!) HIBd HXAs CD (197.3 average) CDX merits and UD (UDX LEGSaccruing champion points in obedience) - legs in advanced B stock MERITS AKC
ASCA: PCH OTCH2 RTCH2 UDX GS-O JS-O RS-E REMX OTDc ATDsd (TOP 10 ALL THREE STOCK) BN CD (198 average) CDX (placements pretrial & nat'ls) 5 UDX legs AKC! ASCA MVA 3RD PLACE 2022! 3rd Obedience Nationals in open. HC pretrial Rally 2022 Nationals. #7 MVA '24 and Pre Trial HC/HT Rally, #10 Rally Finals, #3 Super Dog Finals
owned/trained/handled by Peggy Timm, DvM

Julia Patten owns brother BEAR - WTCH Legends Grin and Bear It Amistad AFTDdsc BN HS-Asd (intermediate legs/AKC) ( HC Advanced Farm Trial plus HIT advanced cattle farm trial awards

Tara Worron and Deb Conroy coown sister WREN (LEGENDS JEM APPELLE WREN OF AMISTAD STDsd). Wren LOVES WORKING STOCK - she's already being used to set stock for trials! - spoiled house buddy and queen of the tops of furniture! Loves toys and interaction. Watch for her in the stock and agility areas. Wren has been setting stock for trials for the past two years. Wren has her STDsd with placements

Janna Heuer owns sister RAVEN, training in stock & performance disciplines - She easily picked up her STDs title in Kiowa at the HPASC trial 5/16/22 and took the MPS buckle!

HOF SDCH DENIM (dam to our Bree), owned by Judie Manuel/Amistad Aussies

HOF SDCH WTCH-X Legends Indigo Girl of Oxbow RTDsc AFTDsc PATDsc ATD-Xdsc AFTD-Xs DNA-VP, littermate to SDCH Oxbow Double Down With Legends RTDsc AFTDsc PATDsc ATD-Xdsc
Denim's sire: HOF WTCH-X Oxbow Chip Off the Right Cross HRDlls, 2015 ASCA High Combined Finals,
CH 2015 Finals Cattle CH (trialed by Steve Shope), 2018 HIT sheep Finals Champion (trialed by Linda Barhite), plus many more placements and wins with Linda - you can view the overachieving Chip at Amistad
Denim's dam: HOF WTCH True Grit Legends EZ LuvN Sadie (Sadie, co-bred by Steve & Anne Shope & Bob & Devona Myrick) is the daughter of our HOF WTCH, finals cattle champ Edi) - you can view Sadie at Amistad and we also have a picture of her on this page (just scroll down).
DENIM (bred by Steve and Anne Shope - special thank you to Linda Barhite/Oxbow for allowing us to use Chip):
DNA'd with ASCA and AKC
DOB: 2/5/2013
Denim's clearances and info:
Weight 35# Height 18” Full Dentition-Scissors Bite
OFA-Good Elbows-Normal OFA Thyroid-Clear
Paw Print Genetics: Cone Degeneration/clear; Degenerative Myelopathy/clear; Dialted Cardiomyopathy/clear; Hereditary Cataracts HSF4/clear; Hyperuricosuria/clear; MDR1/clear normal/normal; collie eye anomaly/clear; Multifocal Retinopathy 1/clear; neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis 6/clear; progressive retinal atrophy, progressive rod-cone degeneration/clear.
Eyes Cleared 6/15/2019 normal/normal (no notations)
Denim's honors: Trialed and Trained by Barb Moe
2017 ASCA Stock Finals-Qualified in all 3 stock
2017 ASCA Nationals Stock
High Score Cattle-121
High Score
High Combined
Qualified for the Texas Shootout
2018 ASCA Stock Finals-Qualified in all 3 stock
4th in Finals Cattle. Nationals HIT Sheep